I think that when making a list of recommendations on Science Fiction there are at least two possible positions. But the list lacks references of Science Fiction and its lack could indicate an attempt to provide an intellectuality that the CF does not need. Although, for me, science fiction is condensed in «Solaris», the beautiful (sorry for the adjective) Lem's novel.
About 1984, I think it can be seen as a science fiction book, and even as one in the classical sense of the term: much of the text is speculation about how technology can be used to restrict (and even annihilate) the individual freedom ... I don't know, I am not critical or literary or film, how Andreiv Tarkovski has approached Stanislaw Lem's novel "Solaris", I have not read it yet, but I can imagine that the interpretation of the text was to propose a vision introspective and open to the viewer, and that in the long run he left us, not so much a science fiction movie in a strict sense, but if an interpretation of the "human" under certain limit conditions, it is a strange, enigmatic and dreamlike movie, which does not flaunts special effects or megalòmana philosophical fixations as its counterpart: 2001: A Space Odissey, with which they said it was their Soviet response, if we talk about the cold war. Thank you for what you tell me about the list (which in effect is from book books that I like to recommend, simply) and greetings.
About science fiction, my humble opinion shares the idea that it is a genre that can be responsible for initiating and maintaining the spirit for reading in children and young people, and perhaps to stimulate them creative processes of the same different nature, which may become in writing in the vocation for science. 4) From Lem, because everyone leaves with "Solaris", because the planet is very enigmatic best sci-fi audiobooks and the love story truncated gives merit, and Tarkovski and Sodenbergh are very artistic and screeching ... it will be serene, but it seemed more frightening and fun «Futurology Congress». I just burned all the comments and my feelings went from enthusiasm to confusion and then to murderous anger ... hehe ... Rather I began with murderous anger by reading that science fiction is exhausted!
That on the side of technical and scientific advances, but on the literary side ... as far as I know we have not died out ... the human race continues to exist ... so, to say that science fiction is finished would be like saying that literature is finished ! In this case I did not mention any title because I have the pleasure of meeting the authors of many of them (and of all those that are worth the most, I think) and I set the rule not to mention books by any author I personally knew. I recommend Glamor and Prestige, well The inverted world if you like something that sounds more like classical science fiction (although it is a tremendous "journey" anyway).
20 #cienciaficcion books recommended by @albertochimal And one hundred more books by many authors, a little lower but equally enjoyable. It is a speculative genre that recounts possible events developed in an imaginary framework, whose credibility is narratively based on the fields of physical, natural and social sciences. The action can revolve around a wide range of possibilities (interstellar travel, space top sci fi audiobooks conquest, consequences of a cosmic terrestrial catastrophe, human evolution due to mutations, evolution of robots, virtual reality, existence of alien civilizations, etc.). This action can take place in a past time, present future, even in alternative times outside the known reality, and take as a scenario physical spaces (imaginary real, extraterrestrial terrestrial) the internal space of the mind.

Science fiction is a type of unrealistic fiction that is not based on supernatural phenomena. For example: science-fiction novel ("science fiction novel"). The Canadian John Clute calls this time before the emergence of the proto science fiction genre.

However, the best known first stories of trips to the Moon are that of Cyrano de Bergerac, in the 17th century, and that of the Baron of Münchhausen, 18th century. However, Carl Sagan and Isaac Asimov agree that Somnium (1634) of Johannes Kepler is the first science fiction story as such. However, as discussed above, almost all experts recognize that the work that was a before and after in the conception of scientific fiction literature was Shelley's work. Later, in the 1850s, what probably happens to be one of the most prolific authors of the nineteenth century in the field of scientific adventures appears: Julio Verne, who in 1863 published his first work with content of scientific fiction: Five Balloon weeks The appearance of this work is a milestone.
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